Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pinchin’ in the Kitchen- Save Money In Your House’s Hotspot

For many, cutting back in the kitchen sounds scary. But, it doesn’t have to be. Pinching pennies while cooking is simple, and will save you a ton of dough in the long and short run. Check out these quick tips and put them to the test!

1)      Cook frugally – Don’t make too much, unless you KNOW you and your family will actually eat leftovers. Too often my mother cooks very large meals for only a few people. Then, she’ll put all of the leftovers in Tupperware for everyone to take to lunch the next day, or to make a meal out of later. The trouble? This never actually happens. Either the dogs get a tasty meal a week later (consisting of congealing gravy, old meat, etc) or it all goes into the trash because it isn’t safe to eat anymore. A ton of money, thrown into the trash. You know your family, and you know how much they eat. If Dad eats two portions of everything, measure that out. If you eat one portion, measure that. If the kids eat ½ the recommended adult serving, measure that out, too. Then no one overeats, and there aren’t tons of plastic tubs in your fridge that will sit there for a week then go bad.

2)      Splurge on utensils–Basic kitchen utensils (forks, spoons, knives, spatulas, etc.) are obviously essential for cooking. However, if you tend to buy the cheapest version of each, they will wear down quickly, and you’ll make another trip to the Dollar Store to purchase the same ones again. It’s a vicious cycle, and money wasted. Instead, find good, sturdy, lasting utensils, and take good care of them. You’ll probably never have to buy any ever again, and the “good ones” are worth every penny.

3)      Always keep food staples at hand- I’m talking flour, sugar, oil, your favorite spices,… you get the idea. Ingredients that you can make practically any meal out of every day. Another tip- buy these in bulk. They are much cheaper that way, and since you use them a lot, it’s worth it.

Don’t forget to follow Honor on Twitter @honorcu!  Tweet us and let us know what you want to hear us talk about on Mason Jar Monday next week using #askhonorcu!

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