Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Three Lessons Your Credit Union Can Teach You About Dating

I’m going to guess that when you think your dating life, looking to your credit union for advice didn’t cross your mind!  Well, there is actually a lot that you can apply to your relationship by just looking at your relationship with your local credit union!  Here are three lessons that your credit union can teach you about dating:

1.  Every relationship is unique!  You may ask your buddies or group of girlfriends advice when it comes to dating, but at the end of the day you know that only you and your significant other really know the ins and outs of what makes your relationship tick.  The same goes with your finances.  No two people’s financial situation is the same, and your local credit union, like Honor, understands that!  Credit unions look at each member’s finances individually to get you in the best situation for your unique situation in life.

2.  Be yourself!  Your credit score doesn’t lie.  When your credit union looks at your financial situation it’s best to present the entire picture as it really is so that they can help you get in the best financial spot possible! The same applies for dating. Don’t present yourself to be someone you’re not just to attempt to impress someone.  Be yourself, and they will like you for all the right reasons and never be disappointed when the picture you have painted them fades away.

3.  Beauty is on the inside!  So much about dating is based on that first impression, but it’s what inside that really counts!  It sounds corny and cliché but it’s true…it’s always best to get to know someone’s personality before you make a judgment call.  Your credit union does just that.  Credit unions value every member the same, regardless of what you look like or dress like.  We want to help make your financial situation as beautiful (on the inside!) as it possibly can be, because that’s what you are going to appreciate in the long run and that’s what is really important!

Just like your soul mate is out there waiting somewhere for you (or maybe you’ve found them already!), there is a financial institution match out there for you, too!  If you haven’t found your credit union soul mate yet, check out a local credit union, like Honor, today to start the beginning of a healthy financial relationship!

Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @honorcu and let us know what you want to hear about next week using #askhonorcu!  

Honor's Kaylee joined Y-Country 97.5's Wild Bill for Mason Jar Monday this week!  Listen to their conversation on dating tips from your credit union here!

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