Tuesday, February 16, 2016

It's Time For Your Financial Physical

It’s time for your annual finance physical!  Great news, though!  This physical is one you can do from home without having to don a medical robe.  Honest self-reflection and setting clear goals are both included in this physical, though, and asking yourself these three questions will help get you started on assessing your financial health:

1.     How much did I save last year?  Look at your last twelve months and tally up what you were able to save.  Did you touch that savings or let it keep stacking up?  Automatic deposits from each paycheck directly in to your savings can help you stay on track, and keeping a solid budget and savings plan can help you keep that savings growing.

2.   What are my bad money habits?  Doctors can’t help cure you if they don’t know your ailments, and the same goes for your finances.  What are three things you did over the past year with your finances that you would do differently next year?  It could be as simple as keeping a more up to date budget to keep your spending in line.  Budgeting tools, like Honor’s Money Desktop, can help you look at your overall financial picture including what you spend on, what you save, and your total debt.

3.  What is my financial health goal?  Goals are important both in your health and your finances.  Do you want to save more? Spend less? Pay off debt?  Everyone’s definition of success is different, but part of every physical should include looking ahead and setting goals and benchmarks of where you want to be by the time your next physical rolls around.  Once you set your goals, make a plan to get achieve them.  Need help with this?  Stop by your local credit union.  Tell us your goals and we can help you make a plan that fits your situation to get there!

Self-reflection isn’t always pretty, but trust us – if you are honest about your financial situation with yourself, identifying your goals and making a plan to get there will be a lot easier!  Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @honorcu and let us know what you want to hear about next week using #askhonorcu! 

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