Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Holiday Spending: How To Keep It Under Control

Have you blown your Holiday budget this year, or are you holding onto your cash with an iron fist? The holidays are definitely a time to take into consideration what you can realistically afford for children, friends, and family. Sure, Sally may really want that $50 Christmas Barbie, and Joey may have been dreaming about that insanely expensive Star Wars collectible. But can "Santa" buy those items for them without going broke, or worse, into debt? Whatever your stance on spending around the holidays, it’s safe to say most families are thinking about how to afford them. Here are some things to consider when getting ready to shop:
  1.  Setting a budget and sticking to it- Many times, people will just blindly go to the stores without a set budget in mind. This is dangerous, as 9 times out of 10 you will end up spending much more than you anticipated.
  2. Write down what you want to buy for everyone on your list- If Dad wants a new pocket knife, Mom has been dreaming about this new necklace she saw on TV, and the kids have been wishing for specific toys, write it all down. You won't forget what everyone really wants, and you may even find something very similar for a more affordable price once you start looking and are thinking about those specific items!
  3. Do not deviate from your list-This way, everyone gets what they desire, and you won't end up buying a bunch of other items they really don't care about to go with what they actually want. AND you won't be tempted to buy for yourself and spend money you probably don't have!
  4. Don’t be swayed by “good deals” near the checkout line! PS- usually, they really aren't good deals, anyways. Companies put items near the checkout line to help sway you and tempt you into spending when you don't need to. Do you really need that $8 nail polish? That chocolate bar looks tasty, but will it taste as good as $5 feels in your pocket? Think before you grab these little temptations off the checkout shelf.
 If you know that you need a little extra help to get your shopping done, a holiday loan or a special credit card rate might be good options. Honor Credit Union has a couple solutions:
  1. A holiday loan with 12 month financing can help spread your purchases out throughout the year
  2. Or take advantage of a discounted credit card rate for all Honor Credit Union Visa purchases made throughout the holiday season
If one of these sounds interesting to you, let us help you shop for the holidays smarter! Check out Honorcu.com or stop into your local branch for details

Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @honorcu and let us know what you want to hear about next week using #askhonorcu! 

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