Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to Invest Your Dollars Towards Your Community

As consumers, we are always hearing about how we can spend our money more “wisely.” Yet, most of the time, it’s just big box stores tempting you to splurge your hard earned cash on things you could do without. Instead of throwing all of that money away on temporary items, why not invest those dollars into your beloved community? Here’s a few ways you can really spend wisely- by showing your community some TLC.

1.     Spend deliberately. Forget internet deals and clearance racks at the mall. Shop locally and independently. When you buy coffee at the mom & pop shop down the street, you’re supporting small, community businesses. Spending at these special hidden treasures in your community helps it thrive. That cup of joe you bought? That revenue is going to pay for the shop owner’s daughter’s dance classes at the studio on Main Street. This way, your dollars are from the community, going back into the community.

2.     Donate, Donate, Donate! There are TONS of nonprofit organizations that make immense contributions to communities. Animal shelters, food banks, thrift stores, and more, all make a community what it is. And they are all always looking for funding to keep going. The best part? They help the people and animals in your community that are in real need. Donate a certain amount each month to the organizations that mean the most to you.

3.     Join a Credit Union. Credit unions offer numerous financial products that can help people maximize their incomes and increase their savings. Another plus? Credit unions are owned by their members, and are not-for-profit financial institutions. Many times, because of this, credit unions invest in the communities they have branches in. They want to keep their members happy, and members love the communities they live in. Credit unions may host fundraisers for non-profits, absorb certain costs for organizations, or just donate money or time to organizations or events that are important to the community.

No matter what you choose to do with your money, it is never a bad decision to invest in your community. After all, you DO live there.

Don’t forget to follow Honor on Twitter @honorcu!  Tweet us and let us know what you want to hear us talk about on Mason Jar Monday next week using #askhonorcu!
To listen to Honor's Kaylee Williams and Y-Country's Mark Durocher discuss how to invest in your community, click on the Mason Jar Monday episode below!

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